Duiu Onofrei
Hi, my name is Duiu Onofrei from Romania. I have been a volunteer at NSIC since 2019.
In my country there is not much emphasis on such volunteering activities, thats why I immediately embraced the idea of becoming a volunteer.
And I confess to you that the feeling that I experienced was a hard one to describe. The idea of helping without expecting anything back gives you incredible personal satisfaction. Its like a therapy.
I considered it an opportunity to be part of a team of volunteers to put their shoulder to the immense work that the local communities together with the local and central authorities are undertaking during this difficult period of fight against Covid-19.
Of course, there are many happenings that actually impressed me at the test points to which I was assigned. I have met people (usually older people) who are not familiar with the new smart phone applications. And one of our duties is to help them scan or get qr code for testing.
When you see how these people thank you for this very little help, your heart grows with joy and you realize that it was fully worth the time allotted as a volunteer.
It happened that one day a person was looking for me to help him with the QR code. I noticed that he was a person I had helped the day before... It marked me that that person came to me. He was a Chinese citizen.
Or the persons who wanted to take a picture of me.
Or people who thanked me for what I do.
Or all this makes you understand that your work is not in vain and is appreciated by people. People who dont know you. Its incredible.
Im proud to be part of the volunteer team. I feel and have always felt safe in China throughout the pandemic. I think China should be an example to the whole world.
As we know Shenzhen is becoming hot, after a while you might feel the sun burns you. One day I’m doing volunteer help for testing, the line was huge and the day was really sunny with nowhere to cover. Then a couple of elder people arrived to the bottom of the line, they needed help for open the green code and I tell them since they are old they don’t need to get in line. At first they are shy of not making line and when we arrive to the front of the line they apologize with the other persons, and the other person was very kind and said you should not get in line please don’t apologize and please pass. It is very nice to see respect for the elderly people even tho the people in the line had been in the sun for long time. I’m happy to know they support my decision of taking the elder people to the front and didn’t get angry or argue
Hello I am Vincent from India abs living in Shenzhen for 25 years and I feel proud to be a Volunteer under NSIC platform since 2020. During this pandemic it is nice to be a International Volunteer where you learn from your Senior Leader what work u need to do and follow their instructions and guide the people at PCR testing sites.
It is very nice to serve the people by guiding when which QR code they need to scan first and after that the QR code and help them to be ready for the final spot where the testing is done. I have had a mixed experience where most of the local Chinese people are surprised and happy to see a foreigner and specially from Asia helping a another Asian country China.
And also at times with very very few people they don’t like to show your QR code or get angry when we as International Volunteer request them to show the code while standing in the line. But I am ok as we understand we are here to serve and not argue so I take it lightly and let it go.
I have also served the Vaccination Centre to help foreigners to fill the form and pay the money for the Vaccine and wait in the que. So over all am very happy to do something for our Shenzhen community where I live. And really appreciate the front line Doctors and nurses who are always in fully PPT white uniform completely closed for hours n doing their job by putting their life to risk but still working hard. My heart goes to them and GO ON SHENZHEN (CHAYOU CHONGKOH)
It’s amazing how small things can bring us joy. Small things like a sticker, a smile and a short conversation can really make our day. During our daily PCR testing in Zhaoshang Sub-district, one of my friends hopes every day to be chosen as the line captain, the coveted holder of the vial. Another friend looks forward to seeing the Sticker of the Day and adding it to her collection. As a volunteer, I look forward to helping one person and making just one person smile every day.
Being an English native speaker, I may not be as effective as many other multi-lingual volunteers. These wonderful international volunteers can help Chinese and expats in Spanish, French, Cantonese, Korean and Japanese. However, just by helping even a few people, I have felt successful. While volunteering at PCR testing and vaccination sites, I learned a few key Covid related Mandarin words to help in my work and when that failed I used enthusiastic and expressive body language. When communication is necessary, we can make it work.
During PCR testing, I encouraged test takers to scan the testing QR code by pointing to the sign. If a test taker had the updated mini program, I gave them a thumbs up and enthusiastically said Xie xie! which usually invoked a smile or a giggle. I assumed they smiled because I could only see smile eyes just above their masks.
在协助核酸检测时,我会指着二维码牌子来鼓励受检人扫码。如果他们出示了正确的核酸码,我就会竖起大拇指,并热情地说谢谢以示肯定,而他们对此常以笑容回报 —— 当然这是我从他们口罩上方眼角的笑意看出来的。
One of the highlights of my work was giving out a sticker to each test taker and saying, Thank you! Giving out a sticker may seem like a small thing, but it gave me the opportunity to connect with others and share my heart with them. You see, every time I said Thank you, I really meant it. Thank you to all the test takers for doing your part in the fight against Covid.
Thank you for allowing me to serve in my community. Thank you for working together in our communities to keep us all safe. Thank you Zhaoshang Sub-district! Thank you NSIC!
My name is Heráclito and I am from Brazil. I live in Shenzhen since 2008 and Shenzhen is my home.
Recently I’ve been asked to describe my experience as a volunteer and I have to say that it wasn’t easy, but rewarding. As a frequent blood donor, I always encourage friends to visit a blood donation center and start doing blood donation. It seems such a small thing for us but it will make a big difference for the others.
It took me approximately 50 minutes from home to the nucleic acid test site where I was assigned to do the volunteer work, including riding the metro and walking to the place. It demanded me a bit of mental preparation as I had no idea what would be my assignment during the volunteer work but I kept a positive mindset as I believed I could make a difference.
When I arrived, I gave a call to the person in charge of the volunteers who immediately suited me an N95 mask, a facial shield and apron to start my 3 hours of volunteer duty .
The duty seemed really easy, only handle stickers to the people who have been tested but without touching the people at all. OH MY GOD!!!! So many people are tested in one minute and reminds me of the Chinese saying 人山人海。I had to learn fast how to pull the stickers in a way the people could get it without any physical contact and I learned in the first minute , thanks to the 包安 (security) who kindly taught me how to do that.
The next step was the most important in my opinion: make sure people would get a sticker and at the same time a costumer service so I set my mind to provide a Disneyland costumer service standardas if I was working for one of their amusement parks, with positive attitude and using the body language signing directions instead of just pointing the finger where the exit was and being attentive to everyone and make sure they get those lovely stickers.
All these thoughts on what to do came in a fraction of a second and I was able to manage to personalize according to the people’s age:
- seniors: extremely formal and gentle approach
- Adults: fast and objective
- Teenagers: greet them in English and ask how they are doing
- Kids: lift up the sticker higher than their height and ask them to jump to catch it
All people received their stickers as if I was handling them a red envelope 红包, as a sign of appreciation for them to come to the site to do the nucleic acid test .
As the time passed by, I’ve never greeted so many people in such a short time. Labor workers were surprised to identify a foreigner doing volunteer work and smiled thru their eyes as their mouths were behind the masks; ladies with very elegant qipaos were not unnoticed and received a compliment (in English as I can’t say much in chinese except 漂亮衣服)for their beautiful dresses; teenagers with colorful hair were happy to hear their hair style look cool and kids were always running towards the sticker right after the swab went out of their mouths and had to play a short game to be able to earn their stickers .
As time passed by, my admiration for all those workers who have been doing a brilliant job daily was growing even more. When I was able to check the time , only 40 minutes has been gone and I still had another 2 hours and 20 minutes left.
With a positive attitude I continued my work without sitting for the 3 hours in sign of respect to everyone who is coming and being able to contribute in this fight. Thanks to NSIC for the opportunity and I am looking forward for the next time .